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Konkurs Falling Walls Lab, Wrocław 23.07.2024 11:52

Finał w Berlinie 14 września 2024 r., (zgłoszenia do dnia 13 sierpnia 2024 r.)


Falling Walls Lab to światowej klasy konkurs polegający na przedstawianiu na czas przełomowych pomysłów na start-upy, który gromadzi zróżnicowaną i interdyscyplinarną społeczność studentów i początkujących profesjonalistów, zapewniając im platformę do prezentacji innowacyjnych idei. Zadaniem uczestników jest przedstawienie wyników swoich badań naukowych, czy pomysłów na biznes w zaledwie trzy minuty. Laureaci wrocławskiej edycji wystąpią w międzynarodowym finale, odbywającym się w Berlinie.

Termin: 14 września 2024, godz. 13:00

Miejsce: Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Oratorium Marianum, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, Wrocław

Deadline na złożenie aplikacji: 13 sierpnia 2024 r.


FALLING WALLS LAB: The global interdisciplinary pitch competition for students and early-career professionals

Three minutes is all it takes! Falling Walls Lab is a world-class pitch competition and networking forum that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students and early-career professionals by providing a stage for breakthrough ideas both globally and locally. Our multifaceted formats support our participants in driving their innovations and develop their communication skills, fostering collaboration and creating a space for our impactful and sustainable community to thrive.

Throughout the year, renowned academic institutions around the world host international Falling Walls Labs to showcase the quality, diversity, and passion of their region's most innovative minds. In three minutes each, participants are given the opportunity to present their solutions to some of the most pressing challenges of our time to peers, a high-calibre jury of experts from academia and business, and the general public. The winner qualifies for the global finale in Berlin on 7 November and wins a ticket to attend the Falling Walls Science Summit, where the international Lab winners get to interact and network with the world's movers and shakers of science, business, and policy-making.

At the global finale, the international Lab winners compete to become the Breakthrough Winner in the Emerging Talents category of Falling Walls, taking home the title and prize money, and receiving the opportunity to pitch their idea once again on the Falling Walls Breakthrough Day stage, which, throughout the day, hosts leading experts, changemakers, and luminaries.

The international network of Falling Walls Labs includes renowned academic institutions from over 60 countries. The ETH Zürich, Tohoku University, and the University of Cape Town are only a few of the universities that have recently participated in the Falling Walls Lab programme.

Falling Walls Lab is organised by the Falling Walls Foundation and generously funded by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (global finale) and Sartorius (international Labs). It is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the German Research Foundation (DFG), and Springer Nature.